Senior year...
Where to begin...
Top of the heap. Life is good. Life, in fact, is great.
"J" and I were roomies again. We partied hard. We drank incredibly. I evolved from beer to gin and tonic. Cheap gin and tonic. Happy hour for me was a weekly occurrence, and I spent much of every weekend in a drunken stupor. Then ran like a mad dog during the week to flush all the alcohol out of my system. I lived life like there was no tomorrow. I studied hard during the week.
I made it through. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and - lo and behold - it wasn't the train coming the other way. I recovered from my broken leg and gradually got my life back in order.
I was about halfway through my senior year when I truly got to know the female "J" who was to change my life... Whenever I refer to "J" now, I'm referring to her.
I first MET "J" when senior year began. I'd say that it was love at first sight, but it wasn't. Not at all. I was a senior, she was a freshman. She lived 2 floors above me. Dark brown, relatively short hair, about 5'4" tall, with a round face and a bit of weight. She wasn't thin by any stretch of the imagination. Not fat at all, just "solid." But her smile and attitude were magnetic and I felt myself being drawn to her. Slowly, of so slowly.
It was somewhere around the beginning of my second semester of my senior year that one of "J"'s friends invited me to a party. Interesting party. I think almost all of the women there were lesbians. Not all, just... Almost all... "J" was there too. Her friend invited me because - I think - she had a crush on me. I felt nothing for her though. So I went to the party and drank beer with a bunch of women (who outnumbered the males by probably two to one), and had a good time.
On a whim, and completely out of character for me, I took a chance and asked "J" to come sit down with me. Miracle of miracles, she agreed. We sat on a sofa in a darkened living room, drank beer, and talked. Maybe it was the alcohol, but I put my arm around her. No resistance. I kissed her... No resistance. In fact, I thought I felt her reciprocating. Encouraged, I got a bit more aggressive with my making out... All indications were very, very positive.
I asked her if she had a boyfriend... She said yes...
I told her that I wanted to be her boyfriend... She said that she would break up with her current boyfriend...
We continued to make out. It was surreal for me... Magical almost...
Our relationship grew quickly. I'd liken it to flare. One moment it's not lit, the next it's burning furiously. But it was only making out for a long, long time. Months. I think I was frustrated, but the problem wasn't HER, it was me. I was too afraid to take that next step. I had gone from nothing to first base to second base almost overnight. But I couldn't get to third... For months.
Then it happened...
No, it wasn't sex. It was another accident. Not a major-injury-inducing one, and I was by myself in the car, but it DID total my car. And man did it piss me off. Guy ran a red and T-boned me a month and a half before graduation. Totalled my car... TOTALLED MY CAR! AARRRRRGGGGHHHHH. Note that I said that it wasn't major-injury-inducing. But I was concussed. And THAT's what led to my having sex for the very first time. That's how I popped my cherry. Second semester of my senior year of college.
So after taking care of all the police and insurance stuff, I made my way back to the dorm. Got in touch with "J" and told her what had happened. Of course my brain was still fuzzy. Her roomie was there, as was mine, so she told me to meet her in one of her friends' rooms. Both her friend and her friend's roomie were away. So we showed up at her friend's room, and she held me and kissed me... We ended up on one of the beds, and she began undressing me, then herself. She continued kissing me and telling me she loved me. She positioned me on my back and straddled me. I was hard... I was excited... I was completely caught up in the moment. She reached down and took me in her hand, then guided me into her and sank down on me. I remember that she just stayed like that for a moment... Completely motionless. Straddling me, me inside her, and her leaning forward so she could kiss me. I remember thinking to myself how warm she felt. How good she felt. How safe I felt.
And then she started moving. Slowly. Cautiously. And about 10 seconds later, I squirted. I remember that feeling. So incredible.
That event broke the dam. We were like bunnies. We had sex everywhere. And I do mean EVERYWHERE. She introduced me to the marvelous mysteries of oral sex... MMmmmm Gooooddddd! No kidding, we "did it" about everywhere you could imagine. Car? Yep - of course. Hotel rooms? Yep. A closet next to the reception area in the main reception area? Of course! I went from no sex to being a sex-crazed maniac literally overnight. Life was GREAT!
And then the magical day... I graduated.
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