Saturday, May 19, 2018

Wow. It Really Has Been Too Long

It's interesting the emotions one goes through on getting laid off. The initial depression, then the hope excitement when you see all the positions that you think are a perfect fit. Then the depression again when you apply for them and aren't even contacted. Then the incipient happiness when you think you've found something. Then - finally - the exuberance you feel when you finally DO find a position and begin working again. Being whipsawed back and forth is no fun at all.

Glad it's over.

I started last week in my new position, one that I think I'll really enjoy.

In my absence from this blog, M has gotten together with Allen a number of times, and I was invited to join them once. Allen was much, much more assertive with me when I was there compared with the first time I was with them. I'll eventually put all the details down, but not just yet.

For this post, I just wanted to thank all of you who have commented on my posts for your thoughts. I appreciate them more than you would think.

Now that I'm "gainfully employed" again, I can focus some of my attention on things other than just finding a job. Things around the house and between M and Allen were going on as they normally would while I was looking with the one exception being the fact that I was focused on my job search and spent all my time in that. And yes, I was "properly dressed" all the time. My panties are as much a part of me as anything. My bra and stockings are just "who I am" and I can't imagine getting dressed in the morning and NOT putting on panties! It's not something I would (or could to choose the more appropriate word) even think about. It's part of my DNA I guess...


  1. So glad to hear that things are looking better n your life.

  2. Thank you so much, Michelle! Getting used to the new routine. Fortunately the folks I work with are A) Understanding, and B) A laugh a minute!
