Thursday, August 3, 2017

I've never blogged before...

But an online acquaintance suggested that I begin blogging to tell my story. And what a story it is... Perhaps not as "interesting" as that of my online acquaintance, but interesting to me at least. To my online acquaintance, I won't share even your online handle without your explicit permission. But if you come across this blog, you'll know who you are, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have helped to free me.

As for you, the people who may come across this blog and actually read it, I hope you enjoy my story. I don't think I'll be able to tell it overnight, and even the words I choose will have to be very circumspect in some cases because - like my online acquaintance - I will do everything to remain anonymous.


  1. Dear Lauren,

    This is a brave step for you to take. I look forward to hearing how you reveal your journey to us.



  2. A jumble of emotions... At the same time a bit afraid but very excited!
